System IDRecord IDRecord TypeZappletLayoutIsActiveResults_ListResults_FamilyResults_GalleryCMSSequenceActiveSectionLayout IndexRevision NoRevision DateContentContent LayoutSnipFile NameFile LinkURLWeb LinkLabelContentDocumentIDDocument NameHost ReferenceDocument Date-TimeEstimatedDocument TypeDocument TitleDocument DescriptionFileSetFolder PathNative FileNative FileHypertext FileHypertext FileRendered FileRendered FileText FileText File
11Zenesi-Website-dataTrue2-2-21TrueHome2SplashCloud based databases for storing any kind of electronic information
22Zenesi-Website-dataTrue3-2-22TrueHome3BlackboardZapplets are tiny databases in the cloud that help you to view, organise and share electronic information is a cloud based database and content management system. Zapplets are no-code databases that use HTML to present data and content in various forms.

What would you like to do?

66Zenesi-Website-dataTrue22-2-26TrueConcierge22URL w TextAppreciate how zapplets make it easy to view, organise and share information. File Link ?scope=CMS.Section:FeaturesWeb LinkFeatures
77Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-27FalseConcierge22URL w TextUnderstand the different modes of engaging with the Zapplet system, from passive consumption of content prepared by others, through to the creation of custom applications. File Link ?scope=CMS.Section:EngagementWeb LinkReview Zapplet Features
88Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-28FalseConcierge22URL w TextBrowse various scenarios showing how Zapplets can be used in personal, business and social situations. File Link ?scope=CMS.Section:ScenariosWeb LinkBrowse Zapplet Scenarios
99Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-29FalseConcierge22URL w TextExplore the various ways Zapplets can assist with Document Management File Link ?scope=CMS.Section:Document_ManagementWeb LinkDocument Management
1010Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-210FalseConcierge22URL w TextExplore the various ways Zapplets can assist with Litigation Support File Link ?scope=CMS.Section:Litigation_SupportWeb LinkLitigation Support
1111Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-211FalseConcierge22URL w TextExamine the elements of SEO that can be assessed using the Zapplet system File Link ?scope=CMS.Section:SEOWeb LinkSEO
1212Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-212FalseConcierge22URL w TextGet details on the pricing for Zapplets File Link ?scope=CMS.Section:PricingWeb LinkPricing
1313Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-213FalseConcierge22URL w TextRead the latest news on Zapplets File Link /zenesi/zenesi-news/Web LinkZenesi News
1414Zenesi-Website-dataTrue22-2-214TrueConcierge22URL w TextGet some help or provide some feedback. File Link ?scope=CMS.Section:SupportWeb LinkZapplet Support


1717Zenesi-Website-dataTrue11-2-217TrueFeatures11Embed{Image - Apps}boitumelo-phetla-_8gR561QtEA.jpg File Link Web Link
1818Zenesi-Website-dataTrue1-2-218TrueFeatures1BodyApps are software applications that help you manage information. Applets are a special type of app designed to run in a browser, rather than requiring you to install special software. Zapplets are applets that use a no-code database to help you manage data and/or content.
1919Zenesi-Website-dataTrue1-2-219TrueFeatures1BodyZapplets can convert an Excel spreadsheet into an app, create an app from a collection of files, or combine data and content in ways that make it easier to view, organise and share information.


2121Zenesi-Website-dataTrue11-2-221TrueFeatures11Embed{Image - Documents Collage}Documents_Collage.png File Link Web Link

Zapplets combine the features of file systems, image viewers and server based review platforms within a single easy to use application.


Data and/or Content

2424Zenesi-Website-dataTrue1-2-224TrueFeatures1BodyThe Zapplet system enables you to view different types of documents and includes the ability to present both file content and the related metadata. With Zapplets you can view:

  • All file types supported by browsers, including PDF and a variety of image types.
  • ~;
  • A variety of file typesnot directly viewable in a browser, including Office documents and email files,. This is done by converting them to PDF on-the-fly.
  • ~;
  • Container files, including zip files and various email stores. This includes Outlook PST files and Google MBOX files.
  • ~;
  • Loadfiles of various kinds, including those associated with document exchange as part of a litigation process. This includes Ringtail MDB, Concordance DAT and various CSV loadfgiles.
  • ~;
  • Metadata associated with documents. This includes file system metadata, email metadata, and Office metadata.
  • ~;

Zapplets provide a simple, consistent interface that makes it easy to navigate your data and locate the information you need. The Zapplet interface enables you to:

  • Browse large numbers of documents quickly using simple navigation controls. One click navigation between documents removes the need to repeatadly open and close individual files in order to view the contents.
  • ~;
  • Filter large document sets using a mix of standard and custom attributes. Browsable tags include file system metadata, like date or original filepath, as well as metadata data specific to individual file types.
  • ~;
  • Search document sets, using keyword tokens that identify responsive documents based on metadadata and/or content.
  • ~;
2626Zenesi-Website-dataTrue22-2-226TrueFeatures22URL w TextAll of the viewing capabilities within the Zapplet system are available in the Zenesi Viewer. This is an easy to use viewer browser based viewer that enables review of documents on a local file system, without the need for the files to be uploaded to a server. You can launch the Zenesi Viewer here: File Link viewer.zenesi.comWeb LinkLaunch Viewer


2828Zenesi-Website-dataTrue11-2-228TrueFeatures11Embed{Image - Document Wallets}Document_Wallets.png File Link Web Link

Organise your data by extracting metadata, building indexes and adding your own custom tags.


Data Import


Zapplets are great for organising existing data and content. To help prepare your data, Zapplets enable you to:


  • Upload existing files, such as documents are photographs.
  • ~;
  • Import data from an existing database.
  • ~;
  • Upload an existing index and generate the links to your files.
  • ~;
  • Upload a loadfile
  • ~;

Metadata Extraction

3333Zenesi-Website-dataTrue1-2-233TrueFeatures1BodyMany file types include metadata that often assists with organising documents. The Zapplet system include tools for extracting and manipulating metadata, such as:

  • Time stamp and filepath information, using file syste metadata
  • ~;
  • Email metadata, such as sender and recipeinet details, as well as time stamps.
  • ~;
  • Office document metadata, such as author details, time stamps and document statistics
  • ~;

File Conversion


It is often desirable to convert files into different formats. The Zapplet system includes tools for:

  • Rendering documents to PDF
  • ~;~;
  • Resizing images to create image sets containing a range of sizes, from thumbnalils to full size images
  • ~;

Custom Tags


The ability to add custom tags is a particularly useful feature of the Zapplet system. Custom tags can include:

  • Simple tags
  • ~;
  • Name-value tags
  • ~;
  • Annotation tags
  • ~;
  • Search token tags
  • ~;

    Linking Zapplets


    Zapplets are often used on their own, but they can also be linked together. This means they can be used as:

    • Independent Zapplets, which are designed to be used as a stand-alone resource, in the same way as conventional apps. In database terminology, this is similar to a single table datbase.
    • ~;
    • Integrated Zapplets, which are like individual web pages that are combined together to create a complete dataset. In database terminology, each zapplet is like a separtae table in a larger datbase.
    • ~;
    4040Zenesi-Website-dataTrue22-2-240TrueFeatures22URL w TextAll of the processing capabilities within the Zapplet system are available in the Zenesi Workbench. You can find out more about the Zenesi Workbench here: File Link workbench.zenesi.comWeb Link


    4242Zenesi-Website-dataTrue11-2-242TrueFeatures11Embed{Image - Pigeon Holes}Pigeon-Holes.jpg File Link Web Link

    All Platforms and Devices


    Zapplets are browser based, so they work on any device. This means:

    • The same URL is used to access data on a phone, table or computer.

    • Zapplets will run on any device that supports HTML5. There is no need for different versions for every operating system.
    • ~;
    • Zapplets are created and distributed via the Zenesi website. There is no need for an app store.
    • ~;

    Publishing Options


    The creation and update of Zapplets can adopt a workflow that suita the application:

    • Live data, where updates are imediately available to the people using the zapplet.
    • ~;
    • Editions, where changes accumulate until a new version of the Zapplet is ready for release.
    • ~;

    Distribution Options


    Distribution of Zapplets can be done using different mechanisms:~;

  • Hosted Zapplets are like single page websites. They are hosted on a central server and accessed using a standard URL link. This makes them perfect for sharing data. Hosted zapplets can be readily updated: Simply upload an updated version of the source spreadsheet to generate a new version of your zapplet.
  • ~;
  • Autonomous Zapplets are completely self-contained HTML files that are downloaded as a single file. All of the data, style sheets and scripts are stored within the one file. There are no external links and no need to have internet connectivity once the file has been downloaded. They are a little like a PDF version of a document, but much more dynamic. They can then be shared like any other file, including via shared drives.
  • ~;



    The Zapplet system supports the assignemt of permissions that control the level of access to an individual Zapplet:

    • Owner, gives full access to the Zapplet.
    • ~;
    • Administrator, gives permission to update any aspect of the Zapplet.
    • ~;
    • Metadata, gives permission to update metadata.
    • ~;
    • Content, gives permission to update content.
    • ~;
    • Read, gives permission to read.
    • ~;

      Update Options


      Zapplets can be updated in a variety of ways, including:

      • Interactive updates, directly through the User Interface
      • ~;
      • Dynamic updates, using dedicated forms created for updating the Zapplet.
      • ~;
      • Data uploads, which either suplement or replace the existing data.
      • ~;


      5555Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-255FalseEngagement1BodyThe Zapplet system is designed to help view, organise and share information. An intrinsic aspect of the system is the ability to support different modes of engagement:~;

      Consumption - Zapplets support the sharing of information, from the publising of publically accessible 'wiki' sites through to the sharing of photograhs between friends.


      Contribution - Support for the adhoc submission of data is built into the zapplet system, from making a booking to submitting content.


      Curation - Organising existing information is made easier with the Zapplet system, including the collection and collation of data and the curation and annotation of existing content.


      Creation - The Zapplet system provides a no-code environment for the creation of cloud hosted datbases. If you can use Excel, you can create an app..



      5757Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-257FalseEngagement1BodyZapplets are ideal for curating and presenting publicly available information, including data, content and web pages.
      5858Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-258FalseEngagement22URL w TextReview the wiki resources that have been created using Zapplets File Link wiki.zapplet.comWeb LinkWiki Zapplets


      6060Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-260FalseEngagement1BodyA wide range of template shave been prepared to assist with common data management tasks.
      6161Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-261FalseEngagement22URL w TextBrowse the templates available for creating Zapplets File Link templates.zapplet.comWeb LinkTemplates

      Existing Data

      6363Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-263FalseEngagement1BodyZapplets can convert an Excel spreadsheet into an app, create an app from a collection of files, or combine data and content in ways that make it easier to view, organise and share.~;No programming skills are required to create or customise Zapplets.
      6464Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-264FalseEngagement1BodyThe Zenesi Applet Builder converts data from an Excel spreadsheet into an interactive HTML5 application called a Zapplet. It automatically creates filters and other controls that make the information more accessible.
      6565Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-265FalseEngagement1BodyData in the cloud. A bit like using Excel, but much friendlier!

      Existing Files

      6767Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-267FalseEngagement1BodyCollect, collate and curate existing files.


      6969Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-269FalseEngagement1BodyNo programming skills are required to create or customise Zapplets.
      7070Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-270FalseEngagement1BodyIf you can use Excel, you can build an app!
      7171Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-271FalseEngagement1BodyThe key features of the Zapplet system are:

      • The ability to combine metadata and content within an easy to understand framework.
      • A no-code database that makes it easy to define the information needed.
      • A panel based system for presenting different views of the underlying data and content.
      • Ready to use controls and widgets that can be readily configured for different scenarios.
      • A dynamically generated user interface that automatically adapts to changes in the data or configuration.
      • Almost unlimited ability to customise look and feel using HTML snippets. ~|

      The Zapplet system makes it easy to build applets that enable you to view, organise and share your information.

      The Zapplet Showcase demonstrates the variety of ways a Zapplet can be deployed.

      7272Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-272FalseEngagement21URL wo Text

      File Link LinkVisit Zapplet Showcase


      7575Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-275FalseScenarios1BodyZapplets can assist with organising individuals, households, community groups and businesses.
      7676Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-276FalseScenarios22URL w TextReview examples of Zapplets for getting yourself organised File Link LinkPersonal Zapplets
      7777Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-277FalseScenarios22URL w TextReview examples of Zapplets that can help around the house File Link LinkHousehold Zapplets
      7878Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-278FalseScenarios22URL w TextReview examples of Zapplets that can help you with study File Link LinkStudy Zapplets
      7979Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-279FalseScenarios22URL w TextReview examples of Zapplets that can help sport and community groups File Link LinkCommunity Zapplets
      8080Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-280FalseScenarios22URL w TextReview examples of Zapplets that can help small business File Link LinkBusiness Zapplets
      8181Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-281FalseScenarios22URL w TextReview examples of Zapplets that can help strata management committees File Link LinkStrata Zapplets

      Document Management

      8484Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-284FalseDocument_Management1BodyThe Zenesi system delivers distributed document management without the need for centralised database servers.
      8585Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-285FalseDocument_Management1BodyZenesi simplifies the viewing, organisation and sharing of documents in a cloud environment
      8686Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-286FalseDocument_Management1BodyThe architecture of the Zenesi system makes it the ideal document management solution for:
      9090Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-290FalseDocument_Management1BodySmall Business
      9191Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-291FalseDocument_Management1BodyIn many situations, the free express edition of the Viewer will be sufficient.
      9393Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-293FalseDocument_Management1BodyZenesi has tools for classifying, analysing and manipulating documents and metadata
      9494Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-294FalseDocument_Management1BodyZapplets provide an integrated environment for viewing documents with their related metadata
      9797Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-297FalseDocument_Management1BodyIn basic mode the Viewer can be used to collate and present document collections stored in a variety of formats:
      9898Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-298FalseDocument_Management1BodyWindows Folders
      9999Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-299FalseDocument_Management1BodyOutlook PST files
      101101Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2101FalseDocument_Management1BodyLoad files
      102102Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2102FalseDocument_Management1BodyAn ingestion process is used to extract basic metadata for each document. Attributes are presented using a patented browsing structure that makes identification of relevant documents quick and easy.
      106106Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2106FalseDocument_Management1BodyOrganiser mode enables custom tags to be used to help organise documents.
      107107Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2107FalseDocument_Management1BodyNew tags can be defined on the fly, including:
      108108Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2108FalseDocument_Management1BodySimple tags
      109109Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2109FalseDocument_Management1BodyName-value tags
      110110Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2110FalseDocument_Management1BodyAnnotation tags
      111111Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2111FalseDocument_Management1BodyPredefined tag definitions can be loaded from a spreadsheet. This enables consistent tag definitions to be defined and used by team members across multiple projects.
      115115Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2115FalseDocument_Management1BodyAnalyser mode delivers functionality designed to make sense of metadata and turn data into knowledge.
      116116Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2116FalseDocument_Management1BodyDedicated modules can identify potential issues with specific types of data collections.
      117117Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2117FalseDocument_Management1BodyAnalysis modules extract additional metadata from the documents. This can provide insights that are not obvious on the face of the document.
      118118Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2118FalseDocument_Management1BodyThe results of analysis can be viewed interactively. They can also be exported into a variety of formats, including Excel and CSV data files.
      122122Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2122FalseDocument_Management1BodyWorkbench mode is used to facilitate bulk processing of documents.
      123123Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2123FalseDocument_Management1BodyThe renaming feature provides a flexible and powerful way of reorganising a document collection. It includes built in rules for document registration that enable documents to be allocated unique identifiers.
      124124Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2124FalseDocument_Management1BodyThere are processing options for generating new renditions of documents, such as rendering them into PDF format.
      125125Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2125FalseDocument_Management1BodyOther processing options are used to assist with remediating issues identified by the analysis process, such as the preparation of checklists and scripts.

      Litigation Support

      128128Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2128FalseLitigation_Support1BodyThe Zenesi system provides an entry level ediscovery and document review system for managing small scale litigation projects.
      129129Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2129FalseLitigation_Support1BodyZenesi provides tools that support the preparation, review and exchange of electronic documents
      130130Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2130FalseLitigation_Support1BodyThe functionality available supports each step in the litigation process:
      131131Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2131FalseLitigation_Support1BodyData collection
      132132Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2132FalseLitigation_Support1BodyEarly Case Assessment (ECA)
      133133Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2133FalseLitigation_Support1BodyDocument Review
      134134Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2134FalseLitigation_Support1BodyDocument Exchange
      135135Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2135FalseLitigation_Support1BodyPleadings Preparation
      136136Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2136FalseLitigation_Support1BodyThe Zenesi system includes the tools needed to allocate document identifiers and render documents into PDF format.
      138138Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2138FalseLitigation_Support1BodyData Delivery Register
      139139Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2139FalseLitigation_Support1BodyKeeping track of the data received from clients in any litigation matter can be problematic. The Zenesi Viewer can be used to:
      140140Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2140FalseLitigation_Support1BodyCreate a file list in CSV or XLS format for all the files in a batch
      141141Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2141FalseLitigation_Support1BodyIdentify overlaps across multiple file sets based on MD5 values
      142142Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2142FalseLitigation_Support1BodyDetect additions, deletions and updates within a file set
      143143Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2143FalseLitigation_Support1BodyMonitor the processing and review status of file batches
      145145Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2145FalseLitigation_Support1BodyEarly Case Assessment
      146146Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2146FalseLitigation_Support1BodyThere are many benefits in being able to review data as soon as it arrives. Using an add-in dictionary setup for early case assessment, the Zenesi Viewer can be used to:
      147147Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2147FalseLitigation_Support1BodyRapidly browse and search a set of documents in a Windows file structure
      148148Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2148FalseLitigation_Support1BodyAccess the contents of PST files without using Outlook and without extensive processing
      149149Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2149FalseLitigation_Support1BodyCull clearly irrelevant material based on date ranges
      150150Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2150FalseLitigation_Support1BodyLocate potentially relevant documents using keyword searching
      151151Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2151FalseLitigation_Support1BodyReduce the time and cost of processing and loading data into a review platform
      153153Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2153FalseLitigation_Support1BodyLitigation Review
      154154Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2154FalseLitigation_Support1BodySome matters do not warrant the effort, time and cost required to process all the data and upload the documents into an industrial strength review platform. Using an add-in dictionary setup for litigation review, the Zenesi Viewer can be used to:
      155155Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2155FalseLitigation_Support1BodyRapidly browse and search documents in native format
      156156Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2156FalseLitigation_Support1BodyClassify documents for relevance and privilege
      157157Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2157FalseLitigation_Support1BodyTag documents to one or more relevant issues
      158158Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2158FalseLitigation_Support1BodyCreate tags that assist with allocating and tracking documents for multiple reviewers
      159159Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2159FalseLitigation_Support1BodyMigrate generated data to alternative review platform if scale of matter increases
      161161Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2161FalseLitigation_Support1BodyDocument Exchange
      162162Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2162FalseLitigation_Support1BodyA significant stage in every litigation matter is the exchange of discoverable documents. The Zenesi Viewer can be used to:
      163163Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2163FalseLitigation_Support1BodyQuickly identify the documents to be provided based on relevance and privilege tags
      164164Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2164FalseLitigation_Support1BodyExport relevant documents in various formats ready for exchange with the other parties
      165165Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2165FalseLitigation_Support1BodyImport documents from various loadfile formats, including Concordance, Relativity and Ringtail

      Website Organisation

      168168Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2168FalseSEO1BodyThe Zenesi system can be used to view and assess the quality of a web site from a search engine perspective.
      169169Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2169FalseSEO1BodyA series of tests, based on the Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, have been developed to identify potential issues with:
      170170Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2170FalseSEO1BodySite Integrity
      171171Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2171FalseSEO1BodyPage Structure
      172172Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2172FalseSEO1BodyURL Structure
      173173Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2173FalseSEO1BodyThe Zenesi system includes the tools needed to help fix any issues identified.


      175175Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2175FalseSEO1BodyThe Zenesi Viewer can be used as a crawler that ingests an entire website. This creates a view of the website from a search bot perspective.
      176176Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2176FalseSEO1BodyThe results of the ingestion are presented as a list of pages that includes the URL, Title, Description and page type. Individual pages can be selected from the list and viewed as they appear in a browser or as a profile containing the relevant metadata.
      177177Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2177FalseSEO1BodyThe extraction process automatically creates the Implicit site map based on the folder structure derived from each URL. This presents the an overall structure of a site.
      179179Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2179FalseSEO1BodyThe Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide describes the fundamental criteria used to index websites.
      180180Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2180FalseSEO1BodyZenesi has developed a series of tests based on the Google guidelines. These identify potential issues with the structure and content of a website, including:
      181181Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2181FalseSEO1BodySite Integrity
      182182Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2182FalseSEO1BodyPage Structure
      183183Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2183FalseSEO1BodyURL Structure
      184184Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2184FalseSEO1BodyTest results can be viewed interactively or exported as a list of issues in CSV or Excel format.


      186186Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2186FalseSEO1BodyThe Zenesi system includes the tools needed to help fix any issues identified.
      187187Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2187FalseSEO1BodyAll pages can be viewed and new values for key metadata elements defined, including:
      188188Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2188FalseSEO1BodyCorrect URL details for missing or redirected links
      189189Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2189FalseSEO1BodyNew titles and descriptions
      190190Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2190FalseSEO1BodyRevised URL structures based on SEO friendly URL criteria
      191191Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2191FalseSEO1BodyThe results of the review process will generally be exported as a list of edits that need to be made to individual pages. These are then used to manage manual edits and/or the creation of scripts for bulk updates.

      Site Integrity Tests

      193193Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2193FalseSEO1BodyThe current set of site integrity tests includes identification of:
      194194Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2194FalseSEO1BodyProtocol errors
      195195Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2195FalseSEO1BodyUnavailable servers
      196196Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2196FalseSEO1BodyUnavailable (4xx) pages
      197197Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2197FalseSEO1BodyRedirected (3xx) pages
      198198Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2198FalseSEO1BodyUnusual target pages

      Page Structure Tests

      200200Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2200FalseSEO1BodyThe current set of page structure tests includes identification of:
      201201Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2201FalseSEO1BodyBlank, long or duplicate Titles
      202202Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2202FalseSEO1BodyBlank, short, long or duplicate Descriptions

      URL Structure Tests

      204204Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2204FalseSEO1BodyThe current set of URL structure tests includes identification of:
      205205Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2205FalseSEO1BodyUnacceptable or undesirable URL characters
      206206Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2206FalseSEO1BodyUse of query strings
      207207Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2207FalseSEO1BodyMissing folders
      208208Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2208FalseSEO1BodyUnfriendly URL tokens


      211211Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2211FalsePricing1BodyZenesi has a licensing structure that supports personal, community and commercial use
      213213Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2213FalsePricing1BodyExpress licences are free and provide access to core functionality. However, they are limited to collections of 500 documents and do not support data exports. Express licences are available for:
      219219Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2219FalsePricing1BodyStandard licences remove the limitations imposed by an Express licence. Standard licences are available for:
      225225Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2225FalsePricing1BodyEducation licences are free for students, teachers or academic staff. They provide access to all functionality in:
      231231Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2231FalsePricing1BodyPro-bono licences are free for people working with non-profit organisations. They provide access all functionality in:
      237237Zenesi-Website-dataFalse-2-2-2237FalsePricing1BodyBeta licences are available for active participants in the Zenesi Beta Test programme. They provide access to all functionality in:


      244244Zenesi-Website-dataTrue11-2-2244TrueSupport11Embed{Image - Support}hubi-s-tavern-SiOJXlWeWc0-unsplash.jpg File Link Web Link
      245245Zenesi-Website-dataTrue1-2-2245TrueSupport1BodyAlthough the Zapplet platform been designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, there will still be occasions where some assistance is required.
      246246Zenesi-Website-dataTrue22-2-2246TrueSupport22URL w TextSign In to the Zapplet system File Link login.aspxWeb LinkSign In
      247247Zenesi-Website-dataTrue22-2-2247TrueSupport22URL w TextRegister with Zenesi File Link|go=User_SignUp_PageWeb LinkSign Up
      248248Zenesi-Website-dataTrue22-2-2248TrueSupport22URL w TextA good starting point is the Zapplet FAQ system. File Link LinkFAQ
      249249Zenesi-Website-dataTrue22-2-2249TrueSupport22URL w TextYou can contact us if you have feedback (positive or negative!), or a question that is not covered by our FAQ system. File Link LinkContact Us


      252252Zenesi-Website-dataTrue11-2-2252TrueAbout11Embed{Image - Aboutt}colin-avery-InMS8UZ5Ki8-unsplash.jpg File Link Web Link
      253253Zenesi-Website-dataTrue1-2-2253TrueAbout1BodyThe Zapplet platform has been developed by the team at Zenesi.
      254254Zenesi-Website-dataTrue1-2-2254TrueAbout1BodyThe team at Zenesi have developed a range of products and services that assist individuals and organisations to manage their data.